SERVPRO of Rockford Event Photos

FireTech Demonstration July 2023
It was a FANTASTIC day of training in Rockford presented by FireTech, Inc. - Fire Analysis & Consulting!!
Attendees were treated to live-fire demonstrations and excellent presentations by Steven Heine Law P.C. and John Knapp of FireTech!!
FireTech is the premier firm in the Midwest for handling subrogation and liability cases. Selecting the right experts for the case and knowing how to work with them is the foundation for successful litigation.

Rockford's Pride .1k - June 2023
Mary Jo and Adrienne attended Rockford's Pride .1k hosted by local B103 radio station. This event helps raise awareness during Pride Month, revolving around events that occurred during the Stonewall Riots. It is also a great way to wrap up the last weekend of Pride Month!

Cookies & Comedy 2017
One of the owners, Mary Jo Hare, is also very active in the support of Girl Scouts of America. This year we assisted in sponsoring, and attending, Cookies & Comedy at Giovanni's in Rockford. It was a wonderful time! This photo is of Angi (Admin. Assistant) and Jocelyn (Office Manager) enjoying a delightful evening! SERVPRO of Rockford is proud to support the growth and education of young minds that are shaped by the responsibilities and experiences of Girl Scouts!

Trunk or Treat 2016
This year SERVPRO of Rockford decided to participate in our local Trunk or Treat! This event was held at Rockford University. In the photo starting the the left: Francesco, Poncho, Charlie, Jocelyn, and Adam. (Not pictured: Angi) We had two of our vehicles and buckets of candy for the kids. It was an amazing event with local businesses coming together to celebrate this festive holiday!

2016 Cheaters Spelling Bee
Mary Jo Hare, Adrienne Shindledecker (Mary Jo's eldest daughter), and Kay King helped form a team for the Cheaters Spelling Bee this year! They also won it!
Proceeds for the Cheaters Spelling Bee goes to Family Counseling Services to those without insurance or means. SERVPRO of Rockford is proud to support Family Counseling Services, and the Rockford community!